HR Hotline & Resources

Be the hero your workplace needs with HR, safety, and legal support from the workplace experts. As a member of BHT, you’ll receive a free membership to Archbright – the go-to resource for employers in the Pacific Northwest since 1936.
Key Feature: HR and Safety Hotlines. BHT members receive unlimited HR and safety advice over the phone. Hotlines are open between 8AM and 5PM, Monday through Friday (except holidays).
More Information
BHT Members get a FREE Archbright membership that includes:
A Resource Library with hundreds of sample policies, forms, programs, checklists, and keynotes vetted by Archbright’s HR & Safety professionals and legal team.
Publications and eALerts. Receive email alerts to keep employers informed of changes in local, state, or federal employment laws.
Webinars and public training classes that cover a variety of HR, safety, and management topics, members can access additional support they need.
Members that participate in Archbright’s annual Regional Pay Survey and annual Regional Benefits Survey receive the results reports for free when published.
20% discount on upgraded memberships (some memberships include legal advice through the year)

Employee Assistance Program

Behavioral Health Systems
When your employees need help with a personal, financial, or legal issue they can get free and confidential support through BHS. All employees and dependents are eligible to receive up to four visits/consults each year. Many BHT member employees have found help for stress, substance use, marital and family issues, legal and financial problems.
Key Feature: This benefit is offered at no additional cost for groups enrolled in one of BHT’s Industry Health Trusts – and can be added to Kaiser Permanente Small Group Plans.
More Information
Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides short-term counseling and referral to appropriate treatment providers or programs when needed.
6 visits annually
There are never any claims to file, and EAP visits are covered at 100%.
Your use of the EAP is completely confidential
In addition to referral for assessment, counseling, or medication management, your Care Coordinator can assist you in determining the appropriateness and availability of community resources (such as support groups) that might be beneficial).