Fall presents the perfect opportunity to reinvigorate your fitness routine. Whether you’re getting back on track after a summer break or looking for fresh ways to stay active, fall fitness challenges are a great way to keep yourself motivated and engaged with wellness goals.

Fall fitness challenges aren’t just about staying in shape—they’re a fantastic way to create team spirit, build camaraderie, and inspire healthier habits in and out of the workplace. Here are some creative and fun fall fitness challenge ideas to keep you moving this season:

Run or Walk a Fall 5K

Fall is a popular time for 5K races. Whether you’re running for charity or personal achievement, signing up for a 5K is a great goal to keep your fitness on track. Organize a team or individual challenge and offer incentives for completing the race.

Pick Your Way to Health

Instead of just focusing on exercise, make it a fruitful (literally!) challenge. Partner with a local u-pick fruit farm and encourage employees to pick fresh produce. Not only does this promote movement, but it also fosters healthy eating habits.

Rake Up Fitness Points

Turn yard work into a fitness challenge! Fall foliage is abundant, and raking leaves can be a full-body workout. Challenge employees to “rake up” fitness points by doing yard work, with the option to help others in need—adding a community service twist to the challenge.

(Pre) Walk Off the Holidays

The holiday season is notorious for indulgence, but you can get ahead of it with a walking challenge. Set up a walking program where employees track their steps each day to help maintain their fitness and avoid the usual holiday weight gain.

Choose Your Own Adventure

Make fitness a team event by creating a “fitness fishbowl” challenge. Each week, have employees draw a different type of exercise from a jar, such as yoga, strength training, or walking. Keep it fun by mixing up the activities and alternating each week!

Turn-up Tournament Time

Who doesn’t love a bit of friendly competition? Organize a fall tournament with activities like volleyball, ping-pong, or softball. It’s a great way to get everyone involved, and team sports can add a social aspect to staying active.

Hunt for Treasure

Get creative with fitness by incorporating a treasure hunt. Use a smartphone app that tracks walking or running distances to locate “hidden treasures” around the office or local area. It’s a fun and innovative way to encourage employees to move more.

Launch During Lunch

Encourage employees to make the most of their lunch breaks by incorporating fitness into their downtime. Whether it’s a quick walk or a short workout, logging lunchtime exercise can motivate healthier habits throughout the workday.

Pace for a Pedometer Race

A pedometer challenge is a tried-and-true method to motivate employees to move. Set up a race to see who can rack up the most steps over a given period. Whether they’re walking or running, the friendly competition will have everyone on their feet.

Hike and Bike

If your workplace is near a biking or hiking trail, take advantage of the beautiful fall weather. Organize a morning, lunch, or after-work hike or bike challenge, and let employees soak in the crisp air and stunning views while getting a workout.

These fall fitness challenges offer a mix of creativity, competition, and community spirit, making them the perfect way to stay motivated and active. Whether you’re raking leaves, hiking trails, or running a 5K, fall is the ideal season to embrace healthy habits and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.

Ready to get started?

Implement one (or more) of these fun challenges in your workplace, or adapt them to fit your personal fitness goals. Stay active and make the most of this invigorating time of year!